The Clarity That Was Needed

So, fun fact I’ve been doing some Harmonic Healing for the past 4 months, and holy smokes has it been a wild ride. I’m a big fan of therapy, energetic healing, and all things that help me get to a better place for myself, my family, and my clients. 

I’ll be the first to admit I have no clue what Karen does as we’re on a session, as she’s in California, but it works and that’s what matters!

Anyway - a couple of sessions ago we talked about capacity (yes, there was a blog on it) and being that 60% was to Home & Kids and 20% was to business I knew I needed to do what I do with my clients and create some new realistic expectations. 

Don’t you love looking in the mirror?! It’s fun…that’s sarcastic by the way :) 

My thoughts went like this…

“If I have 20% of my time to go to my business, what can I actually get done? What is my actual goal based on that time? What stories am I telling myself? What needs to go (for now) and what areas light me up so that I’m a nice mom and not a grumpy mom?”

The clarity from those thoughts came out loud and clear…”you have this income goal you’re trying to reach, but is it realistic to hit when you work on your business truly about 10-12ish hours a week?”

I’m going to pause really quick because I’ve never said that out loud before because of a story I’ve told myself. If people know I don’t do this business full time - are they going to deem me as a “real” business owner? Are they going to want to hire me because if I’m not working full-time and they are…what would I know about helping them? 

To which a mentor told me - people care about results, not about the hours you spend in your business. Insert a breath of fresh air and relief. 

Okay, back to it….

If my realistic goal right now isn’t income (which yes, I do love and am striving to make money and I'm grateful to be in this position) what is it? 

My new goal for this season: To stay relevant and to spend those 10-12ish hours working in my zone of genius so I’m fulfilled from the work I’m doing which means I’m not crabby at home.

Gah. So much better!

Okay, but what does this mean? I looked at a couple of things:

  • Where was my time going? 

  • Where my energy was sucked dry?

  • Where could I invest money to help my sanity?

Looking at those things I did the following: 

To stay relevant: 

  • I hired out my gal who does content repurposing because I have had zero creative space and have been stuck in creating anything. We had a call and determined what my content goals were and determined that they were to stay relevant, promote a summer 2-hour brainstorming offer, and pull content from my workshop to promote myself as a speaker (gasp!)

To save my energy: 

  • I hired a VA whom I recommended to 2 others and brought her 5-10 hours a month. Partially it just keeps me accountable for my tasks and where they fit in my calendar because I’ll take a meeting over boring tasks any day! But, as we work together, she can take over some admin tasks for my business and help with some home tasks. 

  • I hired a trainer help with my nutrition and workouts and I have to report to her when I finish them. For a long time I did the 28-minute online workouts, but for a long while I haven’t gotten back in the groove of doing them. I know that I operate so much better when I move my body and when I can see my muscle definition (to each their own!)Hello, strong mom bod!

To help at home (which can give more time to kids or work):

  • I bought our newest family member, Sweeper Steve. A robot vacuum that sweeps when I know it’s needed, but when I’d rather being playing outside with the kiddos.

  • Sean has fully taken on tasks that go with wrapping up our new house (scheduling landscaping, chicken coop stuff, interior design, etc.)

Now, did a little voice try to talk me out of hiring the things that I knew I could do on my own? Yes. But, I need accountability. Plain and simple. 

So, is there as much money being stashed in my account? No, not yet.


Do I have a number of things that I don't have to think about? Yes.
Do I have 15 pieces of content ready to schedule out? Yes. 
Do I have workouts and macros scheduled out? Yes.

Do I have someone who already helped me pair down my to do list and who is going to help clean up my Asana? Yes. 

And because of all of those I’ll be able to show up so much better for myself, my family, and my clients which is….priceless. Ha, so cheesy but it was perfect!

And it’ll be interesting to see where the income actually lands since I’ll be putting my energy into the things that fulfill me and keep my brain clear because when I help clients with this - I know the results they’ve gotten :) 

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