What's Below The BS Reason?

Is it ironic that I just did a workshop on showing up for yourself via marketing efforts to then find Instagram was down?


And I'm not here to beat a dead horse on why you need to be on more than just social media. Why? Because you already know that.

You already know you should be showing up so people can find you and your amazing business. So, if you know that and you're still not...let's talk about why.

To prep for the workshop this morning I put out a poll on Instagram asking the question:

“If you find yourself wanting to show up more on social/emails/etc. but then don't execute, what do you feel is the underlying reason? Not the BS surface-level reasons...the real one. There's no wrong answer and judgment. Just awareness."

I then gave 4 options:

  • it's the fear of people judging my stuff

  • the time commitment feels overwhelming

  • am I really an expert?

  • i simply don't know how to plan it out to do it

The answers:

  • it's the fear of people judging my stuff 31%

  • the time commitment feels overwhelming 56%

  • am I really an expert? 12%

  • i simply don't know how to plan it out to do it 0%

I share this because I like to bring awareness to the fact that whichever item resonates with you, you are not alone! Here are a couple of things I can offer and hopefully help you even just a little bit:


  • People will judge you. That is a fact. That judgment is more on them than it is on you. These are not your people. You show up as you - for you and for your people. Be kind. Be respectful. Be truthful. Find your people - I promise, they are out there.


  • Set realistic expectations on what you can actually accomplish. What can you do consistently and how can you sprinkle your content everywhere by working smarter not harder (aka content repurposing). Map out a schedule so you can have a framework to use and not just wing it. Also, what can you hire out? Branded templates (social or email) are NOT that pricey and it's totally worth it!


  • Have you gotten clients success? Do people continue to hire you? Do you have a perspective on a subject matter? Would your content have helped you when you had gotten started? Are you truthful? Are you restful? Then yes - you are an expert. Would it surprise you to think about the fact that an expert is really just one who is one step ahead (obviously, there are some subjects where this needs to be more!)?


  • this didn't pop up because I truly think this is the surface-level reason :) So....see the 3 above :)

And I'm curious - which one hits home for you if it does?

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