What Awareness Can Bring To You and Your Business

I recently did a workshop on Systems Thinking and before we really dug in, we had to start with being able to identify that we do actually need systems in the first place. 

This system would help us bring awareness to all of the thoughts and tasks we hold onto (business or personal) and then give ourselves permission to not be the keeper of them all. 

We had to recognize that there were feelings that could be used for information and data for us to know that we could truly benefit from a system.

We needed to spend a quick second considering this because maybe it would help us notice that on the other side of all of these signs, their team needed systems, their partner needed systems, or they needed systems on the other side. 

I want to share the statements of facts and feelings with you so you too can get curious about what comes up.

So, here goes…

You may need a system when: 

  • You feel like you always have something to do. 

  • You’re tired of having to do all of the things. 

  • You’re not doing the things you love, because you’re doing the things you feel have to be done. 

  • In moments you should be feeling excitement, you’re feeling dread. 

  • You are realizing things are falling through the cracks.

  • You’re doing a lot but not getting it back in return. 

  • You’re not fulfilled. 

  • Your staff doesn’t know how to feel empowered. 

  • There’s no accountability. 

  • We assume our employees are thinking everything we are. 

  • You don’t have accountability for your employees. 

Whew! Did you dodge all of those?

I know I didn’t and neither did the attendees! I share that because I want you to know you’re not alone…at all. AND there's nothing wrong with it. 

When answering these questions, I encourage you to listen to the thoughts that come up and both give yourself permission to do something about it (delegate something or stop doing that task - and yes, easier said than done) or simply put awareness to it.

Good ol awareness really does go a long way!

So, do any one of those bring up some feelings for you?

PS: intersted in this workshop - reach out and let’s chat about it!

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