I Just Sat There

Something I feel I’m really good at…at least at the house…

Hiring out things I don’t enjoy doing or maybe I like to do but will take an insane amount of time to do because of interruptions.

Two things I’ve hired out before and knew to hire again with the new house were - interior design and organization.

Some people see paint colors along with the undertones and overtones (probably not a thing) and I see…the color.

Some people see a knickknack at Home Goods and know exactly where it could go in their home and I see… a knickknack with no thoughts of where it could go.

Some people see a pantry and know exactly what size bin would fit to make it both accessible and aesthetically pleasing and I see…the tamed chaos it is.

I hire these services out with zero guilt.

Our interior designer knows that whatever she thinks will be the best decision. Our organizers know if they’d do it in their house - go for it.

We were on day 2 of organizing which meant the implementation of all the bins, baskets, and matching spice containers (yup, I did it and gosh does it look good.)

Remember, I trust them and know they’ve got it handled…

So, why did I sit down on my bed with a stuffy, clingy, teething, and hungry Gracie and feel guilty that they were working while I was “just” sitting here?

I started to pick up a book and felt this rush of “who do you think you are?!” feeling.

Until I sat with it and sat with my thoughts.

I hired them. They’re getting paid to do something they absolutely love and are really freaking good at.

It’s not like I’m sitting here doing nothing. I’m keeping a child alive and giving her what she needs to feel better.

It’s okay to sit here and be.

This isn’t the first time having this internal discussion with myself, but the first time the kindness side actually won. And maybe I cheated because I picked up my phone to write this thought out as a blog while it was fresh.

And after she fell asleep I did ask if they needed help and I filled some containers before going for a walk.

But, I digress…

How often does this happen? We see we have too much on our plate. Maybe we remove some of the things on our plate by having someone else do it or just removing it and it feels good! But then we sometimes pull back because we feel guilty.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - we’re not supposed to work alone.

Whether that’s within the home or your business.

If you have a team that you’ve hired to work in their expertise - show them the how and let them do their thing. And for you. You can go do what you need to do or you can do nothing.

Yeah, that’s right. You can take something off your plate and not put something back on it.

And because I’m sure you’re wondering how the organizing went…it’s amazing and magical and way better than I could have ever imagined!

So, what are you going to let go of? Dare you to let go of one thing…

Amanda Quick