Recapping 2021!

Recapping 2021!

Some business owners like to review the year as it’s coming to an end and some don’t. 

I’m a fan of reflection. I like to look at what I want to bring into the new year and what I’d like to leave behind.

The other day I was thinking about the year (and even some into 2020 because it all runs together) and I realized that while I gained new clients, the year was mainly building a firm foundation for my business. Going from The Hatchery to Amanda L. Quick was interesting and took more internal work than I imagined, then add the business-y side of things.

The mindset shift was important, but so was the branding, the marketing, the financial tracking, the automation, the verbiage, and last but not least - how my body could handle it all after some serious stress I put on it the past 5 years. 

The faces in this image represent just a part of the team of incredible people that I have around me. I could seriously go on and on and on: each member of my family, friends, each member of The Hatchery community, each networking buddy (i see you DC), all my clients, and so many more! 

As I look back on each of these women, there were key parts they played in my business to help move it forward: 

Erica: helping me switch Gmail accounts and email marketing platforms, setting up an opt-in (wtf this was so hard!), and answering all of my tech and website questions (and there are a lot) in a way that I understood.

Stephanie: inviting me to Texas for a conference to help grow her business, creating an opportunity to meet our internet friends in real life, helping with all the Instagram tips and recording reels together (so much more fun than doing it alone), and coworking on CEO days when I don’t want to do the tedious tasks.

Lara: answering all of my bookkeeping questions, being patient as I implement Profit First, and more importantly taking my books back over after I told her “I think I can handle them”. Take my money because now I can actually see what my current numbers are and not push off the “update bookkeeping” task for months!

Kristen: helping me see and set up automations within my business so that I don’t have to write out the same email 12 times a month, guiding me through setting up HoneyBook, and helping bring new speakers to the community. 

Kelly: oh geez. Remember when I said the mindset thing was tough…there were so many blocks I had to work through to feel comfortable putting myself out there. Plus, helping me work through losing both a baby and a mom and how those show up in my business. I’m pretty certain you will never be able to get rid of me and I wish I could pay for each and every client of mine to take sessions with you!

Renee: not only entertaining me every Wednesday morning with you and Cat sharing all the real and raw stuff when it comes to business, but what you did with my content. It was a big investment in myself and I’m still thankful I did it. The repurposing queen who not only brought my old content to life in a new fresh way but also the encouragement and ass-kicking you share. Best believe I’ll be back.

Alicia: whew. Coming in to help pull apart my entire business and help piece it back together was both hard and beautiful work. I had to answer some hard questions and really lean into who I wanted to be, not who I thought people wanted me to be. Through the rebrand, the help with sales verbiage, and the accountability I needed to keep moving forward - so incredibly helpful. (Teah, thank you for encouraging me to hire her!)

Dr. Arminta: the energy that’s felt when you walk into the office is freaking powerful. It’s not just about the chiropractic adjustment, it’s about you seeing the emotions I’m holding in my body and calling me out that I need to tap through them with Kelly and the encouragement you share when it’s been a tough day is necessary and appreciated. And the fact that you help ease the muscles I pull when putting my hair up!

Karri: i’ve never met someone so intrigued by what poop looks like, what your toxin levels are, and what type of water you’re drinking! After losing our baby I started to dig into how my body potentially played a part…holy sh*t. Learning that my adrenals and thyroid were taxed, my digestion was as slow as slow could get, and other things that needed attention woke me to the stress I had been putting my body through. The stress we don’t see. I don’t mind my 85-year-old pillbox as I know all the supplements are making a huge difference. 


So, again, there are so many more people who have been a huge help this past year and I want to say thank you! 

I preach that we can’t (and really shouldn’t) run a business alone and I try not to talk the talk but walk the walk. 

If you feel inadequate to ask for help when it comes to starting or growing your business, I truly hope you dig in deep to find out why that is. Not only can you move forward faster, but you also get to meet some really really cool people.

Thanks for everything 2021 and here’s to an incredible 2022 🎉

Amanda Quick