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Words Can Never Hurt Me. . . Yeah right! | Taught by Mason Aid, Owner of The Aided Collective


Words Can Never Hurt Me. . . Yeah right! | Taught by Mason Aid, Owner of The Aided Collective

In this class, we’re going to be talking about the power of words and how using inclusive language goes a long way in communicating your business’s values.

We will cover writing a diversity statement, basic language better practices as well as ways to infuse inclusion in your copy and imagery in your marketing. We will also cover the basics of the language in the LGBTQ community, race, disability, class, and gender.

What do you need for this event? A way to take notes

Cost: These classes are now offered through The Hatchery Community

Meet Your Instructor, Mason

Mason Aid (They/He) is a Diversity and Inclusion Ninja. They love educating Midwesterners who aren't quite sure where they stand on the whole LGBTQ thing and supporting them as they take the next baby step towards allyship.

Mason loves writing, hiking and spending time with their kiddo.