A Challenge To Unplug

A Challenge to Unplug.

I took the challenge and passed with flying colors.

This past Friday an accountability group(the one I talked about a couple of weeks ago) I’m in was challenged to unplug for the weekend.

No working.
No email.
No podcasts.
No social media.

Do you know what happened?

Nothing revolutionary, but I definitely felt a sense of calm.

I wouldn’t say I’m addicted to email or social media but I definitely tend to click on those buttons when I’m “bored”.

- Stoplights (it’s a long minute we have to sit there).
- That time after Ellie’s fallen asleep but her timer hasn’t gone off yet.
- In the passenger seat as Sean drives.

Something that helped was taking the group of apps that include social, email, etc. and I moved them to the last screen of my phone. So, I’d have to swipe 3 times just to get to them.

And funny as I mindlessly went to click on my email Friday night and was reminded that it wasn’t in the normal spot.

I love social media in the sense that it keeps us connected, I do learn things, I can be of service, and I follow some really fun accounts that make me smile.

I love email in the sense that it’s how I can communicate with clients, I learn from others’ newsletters, and I can sometimes snag a good discount code on something I’ve been eying!

But I also know that I find myself mindlessly scrolling or checking email to “keep it cleaned up”.

Again, nothing revolutionary, but didn’t just simply feel good to be unplugged.

So, if you’re up for the challenge because you feel like you just need less - move those apps to the end of your screen and let them be!

We’ll be here when ya come back - if you decide to

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