A Helpful Way To Make A Really Hard Decision!

"I love that I don't have to make hard decisions in my business!"

I don't know about you all, but that's definitely not the case in my experience!

As I look back to some of the decisions I've had to make in the past - they were big and scary. I would find myself overthinking and then overthinking some more.

- Closing down the childcare part of The Hatchery
- Changing up our membership pricing
- Moving our space to a new owner or just moving the location of our space

Those are BIG things!

My mentor encouraged me to separate business and emotion.

Ha! What the heck. How do you do that?

Well, friends, I found a way that helps me and wanted to share it with you!

You've heard of a Pros and Cons list, right? I've switched it up a little bit and started calling them the Pros and Hesitations list. “Con” just sounds so negative and makes me feel like I’m writing down excuses rather than legit reasons I may not want to do something. So, I like hesitations better!

So, how do you create one?

1. You write out the decision you’re trying to make at the top of the page.
2. Draw a line down the middle of the page or create two columns on a google sheet if you’re a tech person.
3. Remove any and all judgments of yourself.
4. Think and write out all of the positives that go along with your decision.
5. Think and write out all of the hesitations that go along with your decision.
6. Again, remove the judgments of yourself.
7. Write some more...
8. Celebrate that you did this!

Now, queue up an email to a mentor or a business friend and ask them to look at your list. You don’t actually have to send this because what tends to happen is, you already know your answer. This will not only help you get things off your plate, but will help you get to see visually what step you need to take next!

Do you make lists when making hard decisions?!

Amanda Quick