A Guide To Networking!

A Guide to Networking in Columbia and your own area!

Ahhh networking - a subject that either makes you start to sweat immediately or turns you into the heart eyes emoji! I freaking love networking and I’m often asked how I’ve has gained such a strong network of support for myself, met people that later became clients, and have also made friendships that are still going strong.

This blog has been updated on 1/23/22 due to COVID restrictions, but please check directly with each group to make sure of their meeting locations and restrictions.

Here’s a list of some of the opportunities I’ve personally loved for networking:

Business Network International (BNI)
Normally this group is referred to as BNI and Columbia is home to five separate chapters! Each group is made up of business owners whose goal is to network, develop meaningful relationships with one another, and in turn, pass meaningful referrals to one another.

It is completely free to visit twice (we encourage you to take advantage of this!) and you’ll learn that each chapter only allows one person to fill a space for their specific industry. This means that there is only one bookkeeper, real estate agent, sandwich shop owner, etc. per group

Due to COIVD some groups are meeting via Zoom, but don’t let that discourage you! 

They network from 7:45 - 8:00 am and the meeting is from 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM. You'll have 50 seconds to share information about yourself and pass around your business cards! 

I was involved with Show Me Referrals for over 5 years and it was one of my top referral sources with my coworking space and the relationships are still going strong!

To find a chapter in your area you can search for one here!

1 Million Cups
This is another weekly meeting and it is typically held at Redi (500 East Walnut Street, Suite 102, Columbia, Missouri 65201), and is currently being held via Zoom and also in person. This event is completely free and each week a different business present about who they are, what they do, and ask for feedback on how to grow, scale, or even just get started! 

This is a great opportunity to learn about what local businesses are available in our area, meet new people, and get your own pitch scheduled to find the feedback you’ve been needing. To present you must be a business that has been operating for five years or less or has recently made a big pivot. 

To find a 1MC in your area you can search for them here!

Chamber of Commerce
Most are very familiar with the Chamber of Commerce in your area and how they are dedicated to developing, promoting, and maintaining a sound and healthy economic climate for the town. 

Our Chamber is very active and members include businesses of all sizes, from one-person shops to large corporations. Approximately 80% of the Columbia Chamber of Commerce members are smaller businesses with fewer than 20 employees.

When starting our coworking space I joined as a member and as a co-chair of the Small Business Committee. Being a part of the committee and also the chamber as a whole has done incredible things for my business. I have been able to make incredible connections, friendships, offered speaking opportunities, and bonus - brought in business! 

There are a ton of different committees you can join if you’d like or you can simply be a part of the chamber and help with their mission of helping local businesses. 

To learn more and find a chapter in your area you can search for them here!

Women’s Network Luncheon
Our local Women’s Network is a division of our local Chamber of Commerce. Its mission is to connect, empower and engage members through leadership development, educational opportunities, and innovative outreach. Each month they coordinate an informative Women’s Network luncheon on specific topics pertaining to business, personal development, health, and more. This is a great opportunity to learn from their speakers as well as to meet new local professionals! 

You do not have to be a member of the chamber to attend these luncheons - I am a member of the chamber and would love to have you as our guest.

Emerging Professionals in Columbia (EPIC)
EPIC is another group associated with our local Chamber of Commerce - but you do not need to be a member of the chamber to be involved! The group is geared towards professionals ages 22-40 who want to become more involved in local business, meet new people, and develop their leadership skills. They host program events, professional development luncheons, and social mixers.

Rotary isn’t for those specifically looking to grow their business, but for those looking for a way to give back to the community. There are 5 Rotary groups in town and they all are working towards a higher purpose; making a difference in our own community and around the world. Each week we have a speaker from the area to learn more about Columbia and local organizations. Each month they do a service project here in the community. Due to COVID some of the groups are doing a hybrid model, so you can join in person and on Zoom.

I was a part of the Columbia Evening Rotary for 2 years and while my schedule changed her relationships and deep love for giving back to others has not!

To learn more and find a chapter in your area you can search for them here!

The ACA Business Club is a private club dedicated to serving professionals, executives and business owners. They have a passion for helping our members succeed and reach their goals in both their personal and professional life and believe in the power of relationships to accomplish this objective. The vision of the Business Club is to help you accomplish your vision. ACA Business Clubs are dedicated to providing you with the vital resources and training necessary to take you and your business to the next level in three key areas; professional development, relationships, and marketing.

You can learn more about our local chapter here. Due to COVID they were doing a hybrid model where you may join in person or via Zoom!

To learn more and find a chapter in your area you can search for them here!

Rising Tide Society
Rising Tide Society is a collection of creative entrepreneurs gathering on the second Tuesday of every month in the spirit of community over competition.

They discuss a different business topic at every meeting, and it's a wonderful way to connect with local business owners, soak up encouragement, and receive feedback and tips that will help grow your business.

They typically try to meet on the second Tuesday of each month to make planning for meetings as easy as possible and you can find that info here.

To learn more and find a chapter in your area you can search for them here!

Creative Morning
Creative Mornings is a free monthly breakfast professional development group for the creative community. Every month a volunteer host and their team members organize local chapters that not only celebrate a city’s creative talent, but also promote an open space to connect with like-minded individuals.

For our local chapter, you can find details here and also follow their Facebook page for the most updated info. To learn more and find a chapter in your area you can search for them here!

Executive Connections
The mission of the Executive Connections Group is to foster a community of diverse, like-minded business executives to connect, build friendships, and to promote the growth of your business. Mike Fields, owner of Cracked Up Mobile is the president of this group and they meet on the first Tuesday of each month! *I’m not 100% sure if this is still going on due to COVID, but feel free to follow along on their page!

Some other options are masterminds, in-person or online conferences, and of course coworking spaces!

Will it be scary to go for the first, second, or even third time? Yes! But like anything, it gets easier the more you go. You’ll start to see some familiar faces and that is so helpful.

5 Pro Tips:

1. Take business cards or have a digital business card, but don’t just start throwing them around. Wait until someone asks.
2. Super nervous? Take a friend! As you go to more events you'll start to build relationships with other attendees which really helps!
3. Ask questions about the other person - don’t make it all about you. Think of it like a game of ping pong.
4. If you tell someone you’ll follow up with an email/coffee invite/phone call/etc...actually do it because most people won’t :)
5. Once you've been to most of the ones you know take a moment and look at which one(s) is the best fit for you to continue going to.

Now…get on out from behind your computer and find some new biz friends!

Know of any others? Shoot me an email at amanda@amandaleequick.com and we’ll add it to our list.

Amanda Quick