Are your expectations killing your happiness?

Are your expectations killing your happiness?

- Not the pant size you were in high school?
- Is your house not as pristine as the Instagram influencer you follow?
- Didn't bake homemade cupcakes for your kids' birthday, like the parent down the street?
- Haven't started that business while raising a 2 and 4-year-old?
- Haven't Maria Kondoed all your closets yet?

My question for you: the things you haven't gotten to...are those things you truly want to happen or do you think you should so you can keep up with someone else?

At the end of the day, we need to strive for what makes us happy. Take a step back and think about what those things are. Then do 1 thing that moves you towards your happiness.

This comes into play especially with the holidays coming up!

Amanda Quick