At What Cost?

At What Cost?

This question came up after a race my husband and another friend ran. 

When I say race, I mean a 24-hour race. 

Yes, 24 hours. 

While the race was 24 hours long that wasn’t all it entailed. 

It was the before: prep of food, snacks, gear, overnight items, clothes, and the mental energy, the coordination with those coming to watch him 

It was the during: because I was hoping to attend an event it was setting up a sitter, running out to watch him, cheering him on, him running, the morning and bedtime with the kids while texting to check in.. 

It was the after: the celebration of a big freakin deal, the soreness, the hot Epson salt baths, the naps (yes plural), the talk of how it went and what went through his mind, the soreness, and more soreness

Then came the discussion of doing it again next year. And a question was asked: At what cost? 

This question came because he’s still on the road traveling, so there is a certain amount of time that he’s home and that he’s not. And before you get your panties in a twist about “allowing him” to do it - it’s not like that in our house. I’m the biggest supporter, but sometimes we have to reel things back in order to be mindful of our schedule. 

Annnnnnywho…I want to talk about how powerful this question can be, “At What Cost?”

Let me preface by saying that this isn’t supposed to be a way to shut things down, just a way to get curious and make sure you look at the whole picture. 

You’re running your business and don’t want to hire anyone even though you’re truly out of time - at what cost for not hiring? You’ll save money. You won’t have to manage anyone. Will that impact your energy?  Will that impact your time with family and/or friends? WIll that potentially bring burnout?

You’re looking to travel around and speak across the world - at what cost? You’ll see the world. You’ll impact others. You’ll get paid to travel. Will that impact your family time? Will it take away from other services?

You’re looking to hit the infamous six figures - at what cost? You’ll probably be able to provide for your family. You’ll be able to learn so much from what it took to get there. Will it impact the amount of time you’re in your office vs with friends and/or family? Will it impact your energy levels? Will you have to hire people which involves more questions that I won’t get into. 

I’m sure by now you get the point.

And again, this is not to turn it all into a no. It’s to remove the rose-colored glasses and look at the whole picture. 

Have you made a decision in your life or business where you look back and think…woof that was not worth it or yes! That was so worth it?!

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