Calculating Your Q4 Capacity
I'm asking you to pause real quick to plan out your Quarter 4…yes, even though it’s already started. Yes, another blog on capacity and thinking ahead 🎉
Welcome to the “BER” months…when the crispy fall air brings out the fall drinks, the sweaters, and crunchy leaves.
It also brings Halloween, Thanksgiving, Fall Break, Christmas, Holiday plans, and then, let’s remember, NYE. The remaining holiday break bleeds over into January, so let’s keep that in mind, too!
Some are on top of it and have already blocked off their calendars. If you haven’t, let’s make it a little easier for ourselves and plan a bit before the candy and egg nog starts flowing.
What neighborhood you’ll be going to
Who’s hosting
If you are
When? How many people? Cooking vs. catering? Who’s bringing what? Is anyone staying with you? Do you need some decorations? Does the house need to be cleaned?
If you’re not, what are you bringing? Are you staying overnight? Hostess gift?
What’s the plan for the kiddos during the break
Christmas/Insert your Holiday here:
Who are you getting gifts for (For business owners with a brick-and-mortar location, you can make a branded list and share it with customers to help them keep track!)
What’s your budget
What can you buy locally
What can you order ahead of time
Get that super secret hiding place ready
Any decorations needed
Hosting vs. Not hosting (see Thanksgiving for all those fun questions, again!)
Do you have all the wrapping supplies you need
Any special traditions to plan for
Kids on break:
If needed, are there any day camps available
Would they enjoy a day at the grandparents
Playdates with friends at home or a play area in town
If they’re readers, snag some gently used books to surprise them with
Do they have winter weather clothing so you can kick them into that fresh, crisp air
After all of those questions/thoughts and probably some items that I forgot, give these things a deadline and put them in order of priority. This list will then help you see what your capacity is for Q4.
I’m an optimistic person, and after 10 years, I still think I can work a regular schedule while planning/implementing these things 🙃
Maybe I can’t get it all done, but I do know that when I map out the projects (yes, these are projects, not tasks), it helps me have a good handle on how to go about my day/week/month. This is where you can look at your capacity and see what you can realistically take on or see that you should say no to a couple of things (at least for 2024).
Here’s a simple Capacity Calculator:
Fun fact: you can also do this for your business projects.
Some examples could be:
Q4 - 2025 inventory planning
Holiday marketing calendar
Staff holiday schedules
Year-end financial planning
Customer appreciation planning
Take the time to pause and break it down to see what it looks like, how long it’ll take, and what you should take on vs. what you can delegate.
And yes, that’s my sweet spot of coaching, so schedule a call if this feels like daunting work.