Don’t Force A Circle Into A Square 

Don’t force a circle into a square. 

Picture this. 

You have your business and you have had great traction.  Customers appreciate you and give raving testimonials. 

You provide an amazing experience and deliver an amazing service. 

Clients are coming in but you could use more because having a pipeline is always good.

And you have some extra things that you’d like to add to your offering and are slowly starting to move forward with it (insert the giddy/excited feeling here!).

Then a day when you are feeling a little eh you start to pay more attention than normal to some other social media accounts that are in your expertise. 

You start to compare yourself to them. 

You start to question how you offer your service vs how they offer theirs. 

You start to think that maybe the way they do it is better. 

That the extra things you do or that you want to do isn’t the “right way”…but yet you love the extras and feel they’re needed. 

Let’s pause because you know this can become a nasty rabbit hole…

I’ve had two extremely talented business owners go through something similar lately and my comment back.

“Stop trying to fit a circle into a square hole.”

You are not them. 

Your offerings are not their offerings. 

When we don’t see an example of the service or product that we want to offer - it’s easy to question it.

It’s easy to think our unique take on our offerings is too far out there and no client will want them.

If you offer photography but also love styling clothes and know it makes a difference in the photos = offer that. 

If you offer branding but also love asking deep questions because it helps the client find their true selves = offer that. 

If you offer a project management setup but know clients benefit from some mindset/habit coaching so they’ll actually use their new system = offer that. 

If you offer website design but know clients neeeeed a post-launch package so they’re actually share their new stuff and you love building them = offer that. 

You have a special sauce.

People are out there waiting for your special sauce.

Add your special sauce and talk about your special sauce and watch as your people come into your life 💕

Amanda QuickComment