Empowering Your Employees While You Take a Vaca!

Ever read a book that was exactly what you needed and when you implemented the advice you saw it play out beautifully?

It’s like a magical unicorn moment!

For me, this was The E-Myth Revisited back in 2017.

The author wants to help reduce the percentage of small business failures and he asserts that this is done by creating tried and true processes and running your business like a franchise.

No, McDonald's doesn’t scream sexy and yummy (IMO), but you can bet anyone off the street can be hired for the burger line and they will succeed.

That’s because McDonald's knows down to the minute when to flip the burgers and exactly where to place the pickles.

And, you know when you order a hamburger in Texas and a hamburger in New York it’ll taste the exact same way - and there is something to be learned from that.

Is that the case for your business?

Before I opened my coworking space my employee and I sat down and created a process for onboarding a new member.

We didn’t have any members at the time, but per the author, we wanted to create a process for when we did. From the potential member filling out a form on our website to sending a 1-year anniversary card - we had it all lined out.

As you may assume, this process was not set in stone. With each new onboarding experience, we adjusted the process.

If possible I encourage businesses to start these types of processes before they open because once you open it can be rather chaotic. You have your normal day-to-day + client work + the thought of even slowing down to write them out.

Just today I was in a coaching session and the owner told me that she onboarded her new employee with the processes and procedures we created together (swooooon!) and then gave the employee permission to make any notes based on any changes - and she did.

So, while there was a lot work upfront now her employee can go in and edit them 🎉

If you’re still not convinced to create your processes and procedures, imagine taking a 2-week vacation. Or God forbid you to break your leg and end up in the hospital.

Would your business be able to run without you there?

Would your employee be able to know exactly who to call when the internet goes down or what to do when a customer comes in to return an item? Or what about that cleaning schedule so you don't have to remind them for the third time?

As a business owner it can be hard to give up control of some things, but just imagine what it would be like if you could walk away for a day and know it can run without you!

And if you need some help with this - I’m doing my third Brain Dump with Intention Masterclass on going through this process. Sharing what it allows you to do, the how, and then time to create your list of processes and procedures to take the overwhelm out of getting started!

Snag that ticket, here!

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