How Are You Showing Up On Social... Or Are You?

Have you ever thought….

“Today is the day!

Today is the day you dust off your social media platform and click that + sign!”

But then the phone rings. 
But then a super, very important email comes in. 
But then your dog needs to go outside. 
But then you have to wash your hair. 

And just like yesterday, you didn’t hit the + sign. 

You’ve done the work (alone or hired someone) to: 

  • determine what platform to be on

  • determine the values and benefits of your offerings

  • determine the pillars of content 

  • determine the templates you can utilize 

Guh. What gives, right? 

Personally opinion…I think it has a lot to do with mindset and not having a realistic schedule/expectation for yourself. 

We see others who post 7 days a week, hit every trending audio before it reaches 1K, and do they really get ready every single day to face the camera? 

During some coaching sessions, this is a topic we’ve covered. 

While I’m able to see some value they can share about on social media - it’s more than that because I’m not a social media strategist.

I ask questions to get them out of their head. Questions that determine if something is an illusion, an excuse, or a legit thing. A lot of times its unrealistic expectations because we see what others are doing.  

So, here I am sharing some of those questions with you! 

  • ​​What do you love about social media?

  • What do you not so much love about it?

  • How do you consume when you open up the app(s)?

  • What comes to mind when you go to post on social?

  • Which platform(s) are you currently on and do you feel these are where you customer is on?

  • How much time and energy are you willing to put into your posting?

  • When it comes to posting: what does your schedule currently look like and then what would you like it to look like? 

Forget the urge that you “have to” show up on every single platform - nobody is expecting you to. 
Forget the urge that you “have to” post 7 days a week - nobody is expecting you to. 

Forget the dancing and lip-synching - nobody is expecting you to. 

What do people really want? 

You. Your value. Your corkiness. Your way of teaching. Your experiences. Your every day that you think is super boring. 

As you go through those questions be truthful about yourself and how you want to show up and take it in phases (yes, you knew that would be in here). 

That could look like showing up in your stories a couple of times a week. 
That could look like posting 3 times a week. 
That could look like doing 3 reels a week. 

It’s whatever works for you to simply get started.

And no, you don’t have to ever ever in your life hit that + sign if it’s not your jam. But, if you want to start with these questions and see what shows up!

**And yes, new month new master class that is on this subject with all the deets here!**

Amanda Quick