I Want To Be A Morning Person!

To snooze or not to snooze?

There are days that I snooze my alarm, then jump out of bed, shower off, spray in dry shampoo, start breakfast, wake up Ellie, and have her eat in the car on the way to school. I drop her off and take a deep breath and work on shifting my mindset from “get your sh#t together” to…”let’s turn the day around and maybe go to bed on time, okay?”

Then there are days that I get up at my alarm, put on my workout clothes, do my workout, shower, get ready, start breakfast, get Ellie up, eat breakfast together at the table, drop her off at school,  turn on Macklemore or a podcast, and feel like I can conquer the world.

Do I love mornings? Not exactly.
Do I love the feeling of being up and ahead of the day so that I have more mornings of Scenario #2? Yes. 

So, to help get up and go in the morning I set up my stuff the night before:

  • workout clothes

  • yoga mat and weights

  • items to make my protein shake

  • pick up the house

  • make sure the kitchen is cleaned up because I’m not a fan of walking into dishes in the sink

  • check my calendar and write out my task list for the next day in my planner

The fewer obstacles to keep me from getting my booty up and going the better! 

What are some things you prep the night before to ease your mornings?

Amanda QuickComment