It's Okay If It Comes Easy

Have you ever thought about launching a product or service, but thought “this is way too easy, so there’s no way I can do this as a business or offer it as a service.”

In my years of coaching, I’ve found that this is more common than you would think. 

Two clients most recently and it was such a fun and interesting conversation. 

Me: “what if you created and promoted your course to your current target market that you have a solid newsletter list for? Instead of creating something for an audience, you don’t have yet?” 

Client: “because that would make too much sense! No, honestly that didn’t cross my mind”

Me: “because maybe that would be entirely too easy and you wouldn’t have to bust your ass to make it happen?! Therefore there’s no way you could do it?” 

Client: “get out of my head!”

I’m 100% guilty of this. Are you? 

It’s like we’ve been conditioned to only feel we deserve success if we’ve worked our tails off and put in blood, sweat, and tears. 

Or maybe it’s the limiting beliefs we’re carrying around, but not aware of?

Or what we experienced growing up and therefore is all that we know?

Now, I’m not saying that it’s going to be 100% a breeze, but what if it just flowed right along without a lot of roadblocks and stress? 

Would you feel like it’s something you can make money with? Or feel success with? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and if you’ve found that it’s happened to you!

Amanda Quick