It's Okay To Hit a Goal!

It’s okay to hit a goal!

I feel there are two types of responses: 

“Wait, what? Duh!”


“Ehhhh, I mean yes but did that mean it was too easy of one?”

I was wrapping up a coaching session today and we were determining her homework. Her (agreed upon) homework was to take the time to set an income goal for 2023 and then work backward to see how she could hit it. 

I then suggested that she break down the main income goal into smaller goals and to be okay with actually hitting them. 

She’s very much an achiever and sometimes doesn’t allow herself to celebrate the fact that she hit a goal.

Again…to some, it sounds wild but to others, they’re nodding their head because they get it. 

Many business owners will be looking way down the road and not allow themselves to pause and celebrate how far they’ve come. 

Been there. Done that. Annnnd still tend to do it, but am trying not to. 

So, as you’re wrapping up your 2022 goals and planning for 2023 goals be sure to plan out how you’re going to celebrate hitting them - but also your progress along the way!

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