Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Read that again.
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
How does that fall with you?
Is it a good reminder?
Is it totally false because you truly think you should?
Is it capital T truth because you’ve found yourself feeling like you should do it all?
I don’t think there’s a “certain” type of person who struggles with this - woman, high achiever, parent, manifesting generator, insert another category here.
Maybe it’s simply a lack of boundaries? Maybe it’s a lack of self-worth? Maybe it’s a FOMO thing?
Personally, I do it because I feel I have more time than someone else and want to not put it on their plate - working onnnnn it because the plate is as full as I want it right now!
I was at a networking event and a woman on a panel said the following:
“When there is an opportunity to volunteer or sign up for something and you don’t have the capacity to give it 100%, don’t do it. If you do, you’re taking that opportunity away from someone who does have 100%. So not only are you not giving 100% to that organization, but you’re also taking away the opportunity for someone else to sign up for it and really thrive!”
We often think - well, everyone else is probably busy so I better do it even though my plate is already full. And then risk getting resentful.
Here we are thinking we better sign up because nobody else will, but really we could be being a little selfish (unintentionally) taking the spot of someone who could be a true rockstar…and probably not get resentful :)
What a perspective shift!
So, how does this land for you?
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should….