How To Plan For Your Future Self

I recently recovered from a weekend at the lake for part of Sean's work team. 

Thursday evening - Sunday morning. 
31 people (adults and kids). 
All meals included.
Swag bags...obvi! 

It's a big event. I love pouring into people and this weekend gave me the chance to yes, pour into his team members, but more importantly their significant others.

The job requires traveling Monday - Thursday evening and that's a lot on the other person holding down the fort. So, to not have to think about meals. 

To have a massage waiting for you and a cup with your name engraved on it, and the opportunity to sit in your room and have no one need you....that's my goal! 

Something I did realize this weekend was how much of my brain Gracie has taken from me. At some points I legit feel like Dory in Finding Nemo 🐟. 

Because I have multiple things going on I love a good spreadsheet to keep things organized and when it comes time to come back and work on something I know exactly where I left off—guest list, shirt sizes, cup orders, grocery lists, etc. 

But at different parts of this past weekend, I realized how much I actually forgot. Coffee creamer, drinks that were not alcohol or bubbly water, and butter. Butter. We had eggs on the menu... 

So I took some time yesterday to go in and update all the things that go into throwing this event: -
More clarification on the Google Form they fill out with their info
- Grocery list
- Informative flyer
- More details about the whole project within Asana

I've realized that gone are the days I can remember it all.
So, going back through and looking at ways to improve the process, better document it, and have it all lined out so that Sean's assistant can do it (2024 goals that I set so I can just help where needed) felt so so good.
Why am I sharing this?

Well, where in your business can you update a process for the next time it comes up? Is there a marketing campaign you can update? Is there a fall launch that you can update and reuse for spring? Is there a collaboration you can update with even more details for the next time you do one? 

Processes and procedures are so so powerful. They free up brain space. They allow you to automate some things. They allow you to delegate and/or hire it out. They allow you to take a vacation while your team handles it. 

So, what is something that is reoccurring that you could write out within the next 5 minutes? Start there and see how easy it can be!

Putting butter on my grocery list now...

Amanda Quick