Release The Shit!

Have you heard the phrases talking about letting go of your baggage or emotional baggage? 

Well, because I walk our dog, Nugget, almost every day I find myself carrying a bag of her poop. And yes, I was told to get a little fanny pack trash bag holder thing, but...I haven’t.

When we’re on our walk, we sometimes walk by a couple of apartment complexes mega trashcans and if I were a rule breaker I would toss it in there...but since I’m not (cough cough) I hang onto it and toss it into another bag that’s outside of our house. Yummy.

The other day we went out for a walk and I found myself getting super annoyed at the whole situation. In one hand I was carrying the poop bag, trying not to get poop on my hands, and holding the leash. In the other hand, I was holding my phone so I could catch up on a podcast and had in my OG headphones, so it felt like the cord was just swinging all over the place. 

And, yes, we have an armband that my phone could go in, but I guess that day it felt like too much work to get it out and put it on.

So, at this moment I found myself thinking that if I could just drop the bag of poop in said trashcan this situation would be so much easier. 

That’s when my business brain kicked in. I started to think about the unnecessary loads of poop we carry every day when we really don’t need to. 

Like, failures or mistakes that happened in the past that we’re letting determine our success now. Unworthy thoughts we have against ourselves. Negative reactions we got from family and friends when we wanted to start our business. Or the comparison game that we tend to play on social media.

If we would just let go of the shit it would do so many great things! We would have so much more fun, we would feel lighter, and we would definitely get farther faster. Don’t you think? 

So, drop the bag of whatever you’re carrying so you can lighten your load and enjoy yourself and your business!

Amanda Quick