Ask For The Sale.

I’m coming in hot with a topic that brings up the same jitters when talking about finances…


And to preface this, this isn’t a “how to sell guide” (I know my lane) - this is a little kick in the booty when it comes to actually doing the dang thing and also giving you permission to do it.

So, questions...

Do you offer a product or service that benefits others?

Have you been told through a testimonial or follow up conversation that the product or service you offer has benefited them or someone they know?

I’m really hoping you answered yes to both of those questions.

Yes? Okay, moving on.

Do you other people sell a similar product or service that you do?

Again, assuming the answer is yes.

Last questions.

Are you asking for the sale at the end of a discovery call, on your social media, or when a customer is in your shop?

Do you have visible buttons on your website and/or a link in your social media bio for people to buy your product or service?

Mmmm I feel there are a couple of less yeses to those last two questions.

Because I do my best to share what I've been through I can admit that I haven't asked for the sale worried that I would come off too salesy and also have been bummed because I thought we should have more sales.

So here you go, friend...

You are a business owner and therefore you are in sales. And sales doesn’t have to be sleazy.

And you can’t really say “nobody is buying my stuff” if you’re not asking for the sale nor are you making it easy for customers to purchase it.

If there are people out there that need your product or service and you know you offer a dang good product or service you have to let them know about it. If you don’t, they’re going to go buy it from someone else. And maybe, just maybe, that person doesn’t offer the same value you do, but they got the sale.

And second, customers really need it to be easy when it comes to buying your product or service. We are inundated with 101 different ads every single day. We are also “busy” and we are lazy because everything has been made so easy to purchase. Hello, Amazon One Click.

So if a customer has to go searching your website to buy your product or service they’re more than likely go elsewhere.

Ask for the sale and make it easy for them to purchase. Ya hear me?

Lastly, because I don’t feel like I can advise you to ask for the sale if you're not also adding value.

You have to build know, like, and trust with customers and that comes from sharing value.

It’s an older one, but Gary Vaynerchuck wrote a book, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook and it's about selling on social. The jabs are sharing valuable content and the hook is asking for the sale. In an article he wrote following the release of the book he said,

“Just because you jab and jab and jab, doesn’t mean you automatically get to land the right hook. Putting out great content, sending baskets of fruit, whatever your jab is, it doesn’t entitle you to land the right hook. It just allows you to have the audacity to ask. You have to earn the right to ask people for a sale.”

If you haven’t read that book, I highly recommend it!

So, for now, that’s my little kick in the pants to go add value and ask for the dang sale!

Amanda Quick