Expert VS Expert

Have you ever been stuck on “the how” of something in your business? 

You search the internet and find yourself reading two articles about the same subject but they  offer somewhat opposite solutions or strategies? 

Both are written by great sources, but after reading both you feel like your right where you started…stuck. 

  • When starting a business burn the boats and go all in VS keep your job until you’re financially stable in your business. 

  • When posting to social media, post average content and post twice a day VS post quality content over quantity, even if it’s 3 days a week and not 6

  • Use captions in your Instagram stories VS writing just a summary so people can move along 

  • Work early mornings because that’s when you’re brain is in creative mode (even if you’re not a morning person) VS work at night if you’re a night person and work in the morning if you’re a morning person 

  • Give all your content for free VS give just a little bit and everything else is behind a paywall

I mean…what’s a small business owner to do? 

My suggestion…try one thing and see how it works for you. If it’s going well and producing results, keep doing it! 

If you try it and it doesn’t feel right and it’s not producing results, stop and readjust. 

While there are stats and studies published to show “best practices” on many strategies and methods, it’s really all just an experiment to see what works best for you. 

We each have our own strengths and weaknesses, therefore, we experience stuff in different ways. 

So, the next time you’re stuck and looking for advice on “the how” I encourage you to move one step forward in either direction, then assess. 

We know not taking a step isn’t going to get you anywhere so give it a go!

Have you witnessed this before when trying to find a solution to your “stuckness”?

Amanda Quick