Show Up! As The Real You and Even On The Hard Days

My friend, Stephanie, and I went to Dallas this past weekend for not one, but two conferences.

One specifically for her welcoming service business (shout out, Columbia Welcome) and the other for women business owners, Boss Vision Conference - yes, the stars aligned perfectly for them to fall on the same weekend ✨!

As I reflect back on allll the amazing content, two themes really stick out:

  1. Stop hiding your unique personality.

  2. Show up.

In the days of social media, we have filters, highlight reels, and comparison. It can start to feel like you need to do what others are doing because you don’t feel your unique self is good enough or maybe you think you're weird.

Is it scary to be your true self? Sure.

Does being your true self mean you have to air out all your dirty laundry? Nope.

We just want to see the wired, silly, corky you.

“Put yourself out there, people need it!" - Amanda Nelson

The second is simply showing up.

It’s easy to show up when you’re feeling good, sales are coming in, and that 2nd cup of coffee has kicked in.

But, what about the days when sales have been low, when your subconscious whispers “you don’t deserve this”, or when you feel your content isn’t “perfect” enough to publish?

“If you would have just shown up 5 days ago, you would already be making money.” - Emellie De La Cruz

Show up for yourself by doing work on yourself; creating whitespace to sit in silence, move your body, talk to a mentor/coach/therapist, or watch a training class to better your skills to increase your confidence.

Show up for your customers by doing the little things each day; following up with a client, reaching out to new leads, or sharing valuable content with potential clients.

Show up each and every day as the business owner you want to be. Would the future you put off that call? Nah.

We often feel we’re the only ones going through the suck, second-guessing what people will think of us, and having sweaty palms when sending proposals - but after being in a room full of over 100 business owners - I promise, we’re all going through the same things.

I encourage you to reflect and see if there has been a time when a glimpse of your true corky self shined through and someone signed up for your service or bought your product because they related to you?

Amanda Quick