The Thing That Lights A Fire In Your Belly

You know that thing that you can get lost in? When time just flies by? When you finish and are so energetically charged you don't even need your second cup of coffee?

Find a way to do more of that.

It can be work-related or simply a hobby.

Today we're talking about the work-related side.

A lot of times we tend to downplay this work. That because it comes easy and it's actually a shit ton of fun - you definitely can't charge for it.

What if I told you that you actually can?

What if I told you that that's probably your "thing". Because it comes easy for you doesn't mean it comes easy for others.

As you're reading this is something coming to mind?

Thought so :)

What if you started to lean into it? Just started dabbling in it as an offer?

You don't have to put a ton of pressure on yourself and burn the boats by only offering this one thing. Just get started.

That could look like talking about it in your IG stories. Mapping out what the offering would even look like. Or doing some market research by asking clients if it would be beneficial to them.

And guess what? If you get started with it and realize it's not what you thought it would can simply not do it anymore. Maybe keep it as a hobby. Or maybe let it sit and pick it back up later.

BUT I do challenge you to lean into it. The belly fire, the giddyness, the charged up feelings...lean in!

Amanda QuickComment