What Does It Actually Look Like To Scale Your Small Biz?

In the world of business, we often hear the term, scale. 

Not as in your bathroom scale. 

But, in growing your business, scale. 

In working with small businesses that are in the messy middle** this is a discussion I’ve had many times. 

**messy middle - you’ve launched and know what you’re doing, but are stuck between where you are and where you want to be/where you know you can be**

What does scaling mean? And not just the googled version.

When it comes to scaling, for some reason, I think of hearing people state that it’s: 

  • Earning 6 figures

  • Traveling all over the country to speak

  • Growing a team 

  • Doubling your sales 

  • Getting an investor

Obvi some of those may seem extreme, but that’s what comes to mind. 

But, what does it look like for you? 

A lot of times we don’t actually stop (or even pause) to think about this. Mostly because it’s not the easiest question to answer. Or we get scared of what massive success could look like. Or we don't want to have to slow down and make a plan.

If you want to earn 6 figures what does that mean? More hours? Investing in a team? Investing in your brand/website/etc.? 

If you want to travel all over to speak, what does that mean? Bebopping in and out of airports? Potentially missing out on family activities? Getting way outside of your comfort zone?

If you want to grow your team, what does that mean? Really looking at finances to confirm you can be responsible for someone's paycheck? Delegating tasks? Taking time to train and to manage?

If you want to double your sales, what does that mean? Making sure your customer experience is top-notch to handle those sales? Maybe investing in more inventory? More time to do more projects or create more products? Upping your prices?

If it’s getting an investor, what does that mean? Being okay with potentially giving up equity in your company? Finding someone to trust? Making sure your business plan is solid AF to actually hit the targets you promised them? 

There may be some owners who look at some of these and think - YES! Let’s freaking go!

There may be some owners who look at some of these and think - Yeahhhh maybe not in this season of life or I’m good right where I am. 

Shoot - you may be in the middle of one of these and be thinking, oh shit…this isn’t what I thought it looked like, and be pivoting again. 

And ya know what?

All of that is okay.

Scaling looks different for each and every business owner. Scaling is not a one-size-fits-all and just because someone you follow on social media is taking making massive growth - doesn't mean you have to…but it could be showing you it’s possible :) 

Now to put my hardass hat on - anything to do with growing your business is going to be scary and takes courage. Please don’t keep yourself where you are because you’re scared. You already know it’s scary, but look at how far you’ve already come! 

What’s most important is making sure your “scaling” is in line with your personal values. 

How do you want to show up at home? How much time are you willing to invest? How much money are you willing to invest?

Those are only a few of the questions that I encourage you to sit with. Take a pause and think about what your definition of scale is and write out some thoughts on how you can get there…then if needed, ask for help!

And I’d love to know - what does scaling look like for you and your business?

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