What Should I Do First?

So, fun (and not proud) fact - I 100% overwhelmed my employees when I owned my coworking space. 

I know this to be true because one of them called me out on it (and yes, we’re still friends).  And now, when working with coaching clients this is something that comes up at some point with each one.

As business owners, we’re typically a visionary and that means the ideas come in almost as often as the packages from Amazon!

For me, when all of those ideas come in I can have a really (like, really) hard time deciding what is a priority and what can be put on the back burner. 

I remember I added something to my gals list and left for a meeting. When I go back, she pulled me aside and said, “okay, what is actually the priority on this list because I have no clue where to start?”


I looked at her and said, “Well shit, I’m actually not sure what’s on the list anymore!”

So, we immediately went into the conference room and went over the list together and created a plan. 

With each idea we worked through the following process: 

  1. Would this actually bring in money (first priority!)

  2. Could this actually happen with the resources we had (money was tight!)

  3. Does this even need to be on the list? (it wouldn’t bring in money or it was too expensive to do)

  4. Could it be delegated? (could a member write a blog or teach a class?)

Once we categorized these ideas we then broke them down even more:

  1. What would need to go into each idea to make it happen? 

  2. How long it would each of those tasks take to do?

  3. Did we even have that much time, money, or energy to accomplish this?

With that, we were able to prioritize each task and have a working to-do list that didn’t overwhelm us….at least to the extent that it did before.

And I get it. This doesn’t sound fun. It sounds like a lot of work.

But, when you sit down with all of the ideas/tasks floating in your head and work through them in this process, you just might find that you’ll accomplish more of them faster than if you went at it all willy nilly (wow, do people actually say that or am I old?!).

Do ever find yourself with a flood of new ideas, but then get overwhelmed in where to start or what to finish...or is just ya girl over here!?

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