What Are Your Buying Habits?

We were driving home from Mississippi the other day and with all the windshield time I was in charge of looking up two things to get more info:

  1. A Christmas Tree Farm to snag our tree

  2. Infrared Sauna Blanket that we purchased this past week

Christmas Tree Search: I found out in about 10 seconds that the Christmas tree farm we go to closed down and were referring people to another location. I searched the new location and they closed for the season…yesterday.

The next place showed they were open and had a handful of trees left. #hopefullythirdtimeisacharm

Infrared Sauna Blanket: I bought this on a recommendation from a friend and it’s in our garage right now waiting for me to try it out tonight! Sean on the other hand had some questions: how to clean it? do we put it on the floor? do we get in naked or clothed?

I hadn’t looked up any of those questions, so off to social media I went and found…not a thing. Yes, they have a website, but it had more high-level info and not a lot of what I was looking for. I wanted to see how regular people were using it in their homes, tips on cleaning, tips for first-timers, etc.

As a consumer, I’m a little bummed as I was just assuming they’d have a social media presence where I could learn more.

Am I expecting too much? Maybe.
Am I lazy? Maybe.
Or have I been conditioned to expect to use these platforms to search for more info? Hmmm possibly.

As a small business coach, I see it as a really good reminder. Look at how we search and purchase products/services and see how we’re doing that in our own business.

​Are you showing up for your potential customers to provide value to build know, like, and trust with them?

While I know social media is not the end all be all and it can also feel intimidating and overwhelming - it’s where a lot of people are.

It’s where we’re looking for information, reviews, how-to’s, and even a glimpse into who you are as an owner (if you’re the face of it).

As you reflect on your buying habits, where do you find yourself going for information before purchasing? 

I'm a sucker for some market research so I'd love to know!


Pic of Ellie off to find the perfect tree!

Amanda Quick