What's Your Differentiator?

When we start a business and continue to grow our business, the goal is to create something better faster, or more cost-effective than what’s already out there. 

I’ve seen a couple of things recently that have made me pause and notice how the company actually did this!

Meal Prep:

I saw an example of this the other day on Instagram: 

There is a new meal prep service in town and I didn’t think too much about it until I saw that they load their nutrients into MyFitnessPal. 

Why does this matter? 

If someone is working on their fitness goals and part of reaching their goals involves tracking what they eat (calories, macros, etc.) this is huge.  Typically you would have to determine all the ingredients and type them all in,  take a picture of the food itself, or use their barcode scanner and hope they have the food loaded in the app and it pulls what you need.  

But the fact that they entered in the meal name, ingredient list, and serving size into MFP is a massive benefit to their customer. It saves so much time and also gives an accurate measurement for the client and their coach.


We bought new towels when we moved into our house and I didn't know it at the time, but they added some fabric that hangs on your hook. While I didn’t feel this was an issue it’s nice that our 9-year-old can hook that piece of fabric instead of attempting to hang it by bunching up half the towel up on the hook only for it to fall 3 minutes later and end up in a pile of mustiness! 


Okay, first off…bamboo sheets!? Heaven. BUT when we were putting on the fitted sheet it legit had labels for the front, back, and sides. Stop it! How many times have you put a corner on to move to the next corner just to take it off and rotate it? For me, it was too many!

These excite me because two of them actually do help, but it also excites me because the owners improved products that have been around for years.

They had to have listened to some people complain over and over again (towels and sheets)  OR they looked at their process/customer experience and saw an opportunity to take one more step on their end that could hugely benefit their customer (meals). 

When you think about your process/customer experience or the product you offer - do you feel like there’s an opportunity to differentiate yourself?

Little things like this will give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace and give customers a reason to choose you over the competitor!

Amanda Quick