Why Is It So Important To Know Your Why?

Raise your hand if Simen Sinek comes to mind when you hear about the “why” of your business…

If you’ve watched his Ted Talk or read his book, Start With Why, you know it is a really big deal and many recognize his quote from the book “people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” For people to know this - you have to know your why

With this, I wanted to dig in and talk about the importance of knowing your why once the Honeymoon Stage of your business journey has passed.

For those who are or have been married, you may remember how cute and adorable literally everything was about your spouse right after marriage. Then you add your normal routine back in, a kid or two, and those socks left next to the hamper are actually really annoying. (No, Sean I’m not talking to you - you are the laundry master 💕). 

Things may start to get a little mundane.

For a business, this may be similar to the time in your business when the “newness” starts to wear off. 

In the beginning, you’re amped with vision and caffeine and you can see how it’s all going to play out. Full speed ahead with no road bumps in sight.

Then the scheduled “something exciting is coming!” posts have been seen, the launch emails have been sent and read (hopefully), the congratulations comments have been made, and your hot referral market has purchased what you offer. 

You’re feeling good, but something is a little different. 

You’re now having to work on your processes to create a better workflow for your customer,  you’re creating opt-ins and a social media strategy to gain new customers, you’re having to take time to track your expenses, and work on your proforma to make sure you’re covering what you need to pay yourself and your bills.  

All while still taking care of your clients.

This is when your days may not be as exciting as they were before. When you start overthinking if this was a good idea. When you notice way more competition than when you first started. 

This is when you have to revert back to that why. 

Why did you start your business?

To make money?
To have time freedom?

Okay, that’s a great start, but now dig into it a little deeper:

Why do you want to make more money?
What are you going to do with the money?
How does that make you feel when you really imagine what you’re going to do with that extra money?

Why do you want more time freedom?
What are you going to do with the extra time you have?
How does that make you feel when you really imagine what you’re doing in that extra time?

When we connect back with those feelings that are associated with our why it helps kick us back into gear. Nobody said running a business was easy and nobody said there weren’t going to be hard days. So, taking a moment and reconnecting with your why is what will help you get through those days! 

Do you have your why defined? I’d love to hear it, so please share it below!

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