Facts and Feelings

I’ll be the first to tell you that I didn’t get an MBA before launching my coworking space. 

Do I feel like an MBA is necessary to start a business? No.
Do I feel like it could be beneficial? Perhaps.

That leads me to the title of this blog, Facts and Feelings. 

After being a business owner for over 10 years, I can tell you there is nothing a textbook can teach you or prepare you for regarding the feeling of running a business.

There’s simply no way. 

I was working with a client a couple of weeks ago and she’s having to make some tough decisions within her business. We were talking through things and I paused and said, “We could sit here and do a pros and hesitations list and look at it and see what makes sense business-wise, but what I really feel we need to look at, are the feelings that you’re having.”

Let’s pause on that for a second. 

How often do we look at a situation in our business and assess our feelings? And not the feelings you “should” feel - but the ones that you actually feel. 

If the facts and the numbers point in one direction but it doesn’t feel right with you, then it’s more than likely not going to be sustainable. We have a gut feeling for a reason, we have emotions for a reason, and a lot of the time those are put on the back burner because we put so much emphasis on logic.

I feel like we need to stop underestimating what our feelings can actually tell us and show us.
Nevertheless, it's essential to strike a balance

If we continue to only look at the logical aspects of our business, we could look up and not be in the best place. 

Let’s say you’re running a 6 figure business (which isn’t that what Instagram tells us we should be striving for?!), but what if that’s taking away time from your family? What if that’s having you manage a team and you don’t want to manage a team? What if you’re having to stay up later and it’s pulling away from your overall health? Or it’s serving clients that drain you.

And thats true for the other side. if we only went off feelings and didn’t look at some facts about our business then we could also look up and not be the best place. Not looking at or tracking financial, your customer experience, feedback from your clients.

Facts and feelings can coexist. 

So what do you think friends… Do you undervalue the role of emotions in business decisions? Are you striking the right balance between logic and intuition? Let's embrace the power of facts and feelings as we ride this wild rollercoaster of business!

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