3 Softwares That Have Saved Me Lately

The last two weeks have been a bit of a doozy!

- We've officially started selection meetings for our house we're building on our land.
- We're looking to hire a nanny to help out with Gracie.
- Speaking of Gracie she's in a 4 month development stage where naps are short
- Oh, plus normal client work, backend work, plus a couple of new inquiries

I've really leaned on 3 systems to help not be the bottleneck and wanted to share them + how they've helped:

  • Calendly: if you've been around my content you know my love of Calendly as it makes scheduling meetings so stinking easy. Before I posted about looking for a nanny I created a new Calendly link (I do pay $9/month to have the ability to create multiple links) and labeled it "Nanny Interviews", set it to be only for the following week, and then made it hidden. When someone would inquire I then sent them the link to schedule our interview via Zoom. I also added a reminder to it so neither would forget!

  • HoneyBook*: I'll admit that I'm a starter and not a finisher. I get excited and put energy into a project and then if not finished I struggle to come back and fully finish it. The other day I did update my inquiry process via HoneyBook and wow - so amazing because someone can inquire via HB answering questions I typically send manually, they then receive an automatic email saying I've received their info, and then all their contact info is in HB and I don't have to do it manually.

  • Planoly**: I try to post 4-5 times per week with a mix of graphics and reels. One thing I've invested in is helping to repurpose my content. Blogging comes easiest to me and since I do it weekly I don't want it to get posted and then die on my website. My gal turns my blogs into an Instagram post (graphic + caption) and script for a reel. When I receive the content from her I take about an hour and schedule out the 8 posts and the 8 reels. Planoly has been a huge help with this as I can do it on my desktop or in their app. That feeling of "oh I need to post that" to then see I already scheduled it...best feeling ever!

Those are my favorite softwares and happy to share any experience if you have questions!

Now, I'd love to hear what software(s) are that are saving you?!

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**This is also an affiliate link

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