What If You Had More Mental Capacity?

I've been working with a client over the last 2 months and our focus was to map out her service.

It's not that she didn't have one - it’s just that it was all in her head.

Don’t get me wrong, this is a good place to start - but when just in our head we don’t account for everything because so many tasks are done without thinking.

In our last session, she was sharing her wins from the previous week. She had two leads come in and she was able to utilize her new documented process that we worked together to map out. She's been working her tail off to not only fully map this out, but also start adding it into her automation tool (HoneyBook!).

As I listened I heard 3 benefits (plus a bonus) from having this mapped out:

  1. Consistent experience for clients which creates trust.

  2. More mental capacity because you’re not having to remember what an email should say or what questionnaire or proposal you should send.

  3. You’ll make more money - because of the two above plus having invoices automated

  4. Bonus - you’ll feel like a badass because you’ll feel more proactive than reactive and you’ll know you’re giving your clients a consistent experience!

I don't know about you, but those are some big reasons to slow down and map out that service!

And I'm walking the walk instead of just talking the talk and getting my VIP day process from my head into HB as we speak.

Is there a service you need to slow down and map out?

Amanda QuickComment