4 Questions To Ask When You're Feeling Overwhelmed

Blame it on the red lights!

The other day I about flipped my lid because our internet was uber slow. And a couple of weeks ago I was annoyed because I hit every red light. 

When I find myself getting frusterated with things that are small and/or way outside of my control, I ask myself 4 questions: 

  1. Am I trying to control all the things around me?

  2. Have I eaten an actual meal in the last 3 hours or just consumed coffee?

  3. Am I trying to be overly productive when I need to just chill?

  4. Have I taken on too many things and put unrealistic deadlines on myself?

When I go through these questions 1 (sometimes 2) seem to stand out. I then have to take some time to either eat some nourishing food or really look at what’s on my plate. 

  • Do timelines need to be adjusted?

  • Do I need to delegate something?

  • Do i need to do a brain dump of all the things and then prioritize better?

I’ve found this helps tremendously (and can tolerate slow wifi a little better).

When you find yourself doing whatever version of cussing at the red light - what tends to help you bring yourself back down?

Amanda Quick