Best Laid Plans

 Best laid plans

I found that throughout the year I’ll need a really big challenge for myself. 

Like, let me get out of my head and do something that takes a whole lot of mindset-shifting to do. 

One year it was to run a half marathon. 
One year it was 75 hard. 
And this year it was completing Murph

Besides daily walks, I’ve worked out twice since Gracie and not too many while I was pregnant. Sooo while I knew I could do it I was a little nervous but knew it would shake this funk mindset. 

It’s after a soldier who passed while serving and this was his favorite workout:

1 mile
100 pull-ups 
200 push-ups
300 squats 
1 mile 
For those doing it RX you add a weighted vest. 

We were set for Sean and his friend to go at 8:20 am and I would go once they finished. In the meantime, I’d oversee Ellie doing the kids' version. 

Sean and Jeremy take off. 

Ellie gets her workout and we find her a spot. 

She finishes and starts to wipe off the board her workout was written and someone, some way she cuts her finger. (Spoiler she’s fine!)

Between me, Sean, the coaches, a couple of athletes, and our friend who (bless) is an EMT get it to stop bleeding and assess that she may need stitches. 

We pack up and head to the hospital. 

An hour and a half later we leave with an amazing experience, a cleaned-up cut, a bandage, a splint, and a week's worth of no swimming or gymnastics. 

We leave there, run another errand, go home, eat lunch, feed Gracie, and pack up to head to the shop for meal prepping and Sean’s work calls. 

Notice we haven’t talked about me doing MURPH 🙃

Truth: I’m a little annoyed because it’s now 2 pm and I’m starting to overthink it and assume it just won’t happen. But this is life, right?

We head out to the shop, unload the girls, Sean moves Ellie’s gymnastics bar (scaled for the pull-ups) and mats over by the door, sets up some music, and Ellie gets settled in with her play-doh. 

He’s bound and determined that this workout happens (appreciate you!). 

He then tells me to hang on and drives down our road as it’s not exactly a mile and wants to get a plan for me. 

By this point my mind is starting to take over and talk shit: 

  • omg I just want to go and be done 

  • It’s now so much hotter than this morning 

  • Gracie’s going to need to eat soon

but I just stay calm and know it’ll be fine. 

Sean gets back and actually has a really good plan for the run. 

I start my timer and go. 

On my run, I have to pause twice as neighbors thought Nugget was lost as they didn’t see me still running and having an eye on her. 

My mind: ugh your time 
My mind back: your end time is imaginary 

I get back and Ellie asks to help grab Gracie, so I do. 

My mind: ugh your time.
My mind back: your end time is imaginary 

Sean then comes out and shares that they have to go get eggs to make the pancakes. 

My mind: oh dang I need them to cheer me on 
My mind back: nope you can cheer yourself on. 

I say bye and keep going. 

My goal is to not stop. It’s to beat Sean’s time and beat them home, but also not pass out. Ya know…balance. 

Finished with the middle part and head out for the run. Heading back I turn into our driveway I’m smiling because I’ve beat them back.

I stop the timer and smile again because while I didn’t beat Sean’s time / it was way better than I imagined. 

My plans: do the workout at 8:40 am with a group of people, pump up music, and the rest of the day doing whatever 

Those were best-laid plans. 

But, with all the change it brought: No distraction from kids. Me not comparing myself to other athletes. Instead, it was me vs me. It was seeing the kindness of our neighbors taking care of Nugget. It was being so freaking grateful for the help from those at the gym. 

It was perfect. 

Okay / so what does my workout have to do with business? 

How often do we have a plan for our business that doesn’t go the way we want? 

How often do we let the shitty voice in our mind take over? 

A lot. 

We have to be able to pause and shift. Does it suck to do - I mean, yeah sometimes. 

But, does it usually turn out better than we planned? 

I feel like it does. It may not be right away but it shows up eventually. And the different plans help you see/experience things/people you may not have. 

So, the next time to make a solid plan - just have it in the back of your mind that they just might be best-laid plans but not the actual plan!

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