Don’t Assume They Know

Hear me out.

If you’re an expert.

Please don’t assume your clients know as much as you think they do.

Now, don’t read into this and think I’m calling small business owners dumb - hi, I am one and have been coaching them since 2017, so I know they are definitely not.

Examples of some assumptions:

“All small business owners have a proforma and check it monthly.”

Eh, maybe they have it but might not check it…at all.

“Business owner knows how to launch their new brand.” 

Eh, might be a stretch.

It’s kind of you to assume these things, but they are probably not true. And it makes sense why you’d assume these ic it’s with your expertise…it comes easy for you, so you assume it comes easy for all.

Valid, except it doesn’t.

Why does this matter?

Realizing this can help you serve your potential clients even more. You can take your knowledge and back alllll the way up and share some super simple tips in your content. Tips you just assumed they knew. This added value builds trust. 

You can also use these simple first steps for an opt-in, an introductory offer, or a super beneficial add-on. This builds a relationship.

Examples of what some of these could look like: 

A bookkeeper could have an opt-in, “Top 5 expenses most business owners don’t plan for”.

An accountant could have an opt-in, “How to build a proforma to plan out your income goals” and include a simple template. 

A branding expert could have an opt-in, “You have a badass new brand here are 5 ways to share it with the world!”

Take a pause, back it on up, and see if there’s anything you can create that could benefit your potential clients!

Did this give you any ideas of content you could share?!

Amanda QuickComment