People Don’t Care. 

People Don’t Care. 

But not in a shitty way. 

But in a…

They get up and get ready

Drop kids off at school 

Go to work 

Do their work

Get off work 

Maybe stop by the store, a kids sporting event, the gym, the bar, etc. 

Go home. 

Eat dinner. 

Watch TV/Read/etc. 

Go to bed 

Day in and day out.

Guess what they’re probably not actively doing? 

Searching out for the business you have. 

Mmm. That stings doesn’t it? 

But, think about how you go through your day. Do you? 

Or do you stumble upon a business from a friend sharing it, an ad, a suggested account to follow, a free 5 tips to whatever opt-in, or maybe from someone sending you a gift from them? 

Starting a business takes courage and it’s exciting. And of course, we want people to know about us because we’re proud and we feel we can help them.

But - you have to remember to meet people where they are. Just because you’ve launched and are all gungho…doesn’t mean they are.

We can’t expect them to always be thinking about us or checking in to see what new business we’ve created. 

And yes, social media apps are great but don’t forget about the other places people are…newsletters, networking events, and sponsorship and silent auction opportunities.

When I owned The Hatchery the question that both drove me crazy but also encouraged me was…” Oh, I’ve never heard of The Hatchery.” And that was with posting 6 days a week, a weekly newsletter, plus in attendance at all kinds of networking events. While it stung it also challenged me to know there were new potential members out there and challenged us to find them.

So while people really do have all the intention to care about what we business owners are doing and selling…we can’t expect them to go out searching for us. 

Go meet them where they are so they know what’s up, share all kinds of good value to build trust, and help them keep you, top of mind. 

Amanda QuickComment