Bless A Brain Dump!

3 birthday celebrations in one weekend!

While it was a freakin blast it brought a little bit of chaos.

- Gifts piled here and there.

- Thank you cards in a pile to be written (yes, Ellie’s handwriting hers )

- Floor needs to be vacuumed.

- And then normal tasks to be caught up on like going to the grocery store

Today I looked around with slight panic.

Where do I even start.

Well, I took my own advice and did a brain dump.

From putting gifts away, to calling the groomer, to sending follow up team meeting notes for Small Business Cultivator, to remembering the grab the clothes out of the car that Gracie blew out in while at Ellie’s gymnastics practice this morning .


It sounds so silly to think that this can be so effective, doesn’t it?

They can bring a sense of calm to a chaotic mind.

They can bring a sense of order to overwhelm.

They can bring a sense of stillness to a go go go moment.

Just the process of writing can be therapeutic. You can simply dump out every single thing in your brain and do whatever you need to with it.

- Crumble it up and throw it in the trash can.

- You can burn it.

- You can create an action plan.

- You can create a schedule that works better for you.

- You can create a to-do list.

For a long time I underestimated the power of these. But, working with clients over the last eight years has confirmed how incredibly helpful they really are.

I also would wonder, for a simple thing to do why am I hired for them?

As I reflected on past client I came up with a few examples:

- Staring at a blank page is super intimidating.

- They’re not really fun for everyone.

- Specifically when breaking down a service, we don’t allow ourselves to write out everything when it comes to mind because some things are so quick and easy. But those add up!

- We won’t slow down to do them.

And I want to pause at that last one…

Slowing down scares the shit out of people.

We can fear slowing down because there’s a feeling of falling behind. I definitely fall into this trap. I have to tap “I’m not falling behind” every single day so that my brain chills the F out.

But, when we slow down to give our brain a break and unload everything in it it actually gives us space to breathe and then if needed, make a plan.

And how good does it feel to mark things off a list?!

So, don’t sleep on a good brain dump when life is feeling a bit chaotic. Unless you actually do need a nap, then do one after your brain dump as you’ll sleep better!

If you need some guidance on these my master classes for over 6 different frameworks depending on what you need.

And if you need someone to sit by you and help empty it out - I’m here. It’s way more fun and less intimidating than doing it alone!

And now I’m going to mark “write/edit/post” blog off my list and put away these gifts

Amanda Quick