Are We Playing It Safe?

Are we playing it safe?

I already feel like I need to preface this blog that it might get a little spicy and uncomfortable! 

But know this type of conversation happens in my own head more times than I would like to count, so I’m welcoming all the thoughts/relatability/etc! 

When you make your to-do list for the day or for the week where are your tasks coming from? 

  • Are they tasks from a big project that you’ve scheduled out?

  • Are they tasks that need to eventually get done, but don’t really move the business forward? 

  • Are they tasks that bring in more leads to grow your business? 

  • Or maybe they’re tasks that make you feel productive but they are actually just keeping you busy because deep down you’re scared of what could happen if you fully went for your big and intimidating goals? (definitely, something I’ve called myself out on.)

I recently joined an accountability group and we start the day by setting our intentions for what we’re going to accomplish in certain areas as these are areas we can control. 

We list out a task that benefits your mind, body, soul, and business. Then at the end of the day we share how we did. If you didn’t accomplish something you don’t check it off and we share where we compromised throughout the day. 

Now, this is already probably a trigger for some people as it feels super negative to write out where we compromised. 

While we also write out 5 things we’re grateful for, this comprise list is something that’s supposed to help us call ourselves out. To help us work towards showing up as our best selves. 

And now I might have lost some more of you because it sounds all woo-woo crazy talk. But that’s okay because we all have the things that help us, right?! Welp, here’s mine :) 

After only two days of implementing this comprise list a lot of people in the group (including me) stated that it has helped them really look at the choices they make during the day because they don’t want to write down something on the comprise list! They want to get their items checked off and show up as their best self!

Example: my best self doesn’t snack out of boredom or when I need to do something not fun (check bookkeeping)….so while those siete chips are looking so tasty, they’re going to have to wait until lunchtime.

Okay, so for me, I’ve noticed two things: it’s helped me set realistic expectations for what I can actually accomplish for the day (we all have the black hole of a to-do list!), but then I’m wondering if I’m putting items on my list that I do on a regular basis rather than the ones that push me outside of my comfort zone and push me to grow within my business.

For example: I’ve had on my big brain dump list to write my pitch to send to those who have podcasts so I can share more about Small Business Cultivator. Have I put that on the list? 

Nope. But I have put…send SBC team follow-up notes...something that is super easy and I’m in the habit of doing.


Am I paying it safe? Seems like it, huh? 

And then, am I then also justifying why I should keep my list simple? 

Do I not have enough time? Gracie didn’t nap? Did Nug need to go for a walk? I can usually see the real truth of “not enough time” when I look at the time I spent on social media “looking for inspirational content”. 

**I’ll insert here that there are days that shit just doesn’t get done and I really don’t beat myself up over it that bad….thankful for tapping to have helped with that!**

Does my best self play it safe? Does my best self justify things that really aren’t true? 

No, no she does not!

Okay, so how does this land for you? 

What is your to-do list made of? But, more importantly, are the items that you’re actually doing during the day…are they keeping you safe or pushing you outside of your comfort zone as you need them to? Or are they typical things but you’re justifying why they are?

Amanda QuickComment