Are You Charging Enough?

“How does that number feel?”

“I don’t like it at all!”

“I agree and believe you’re worth way more than that!”

This was a conversation I had with a business owner during a VIP Day. 

The conversation started with the overall aspects of her business and she was in that “messy middle” spot. 

She had a fantastic reputation for doing incredible work. She had 1 team member and was getting consistent business. 

But, the messy middle was where they couldn’t take on more work because there weren’t enough hours available, but she couldn’t hire someone because there wasn’t enough revenue. 

Has anyone else been there?

So I asked, “are you charging enough?”

“I think so.”

Insert a brain dump framework here!

We looked at all the steps that it took to do this service. We then looked at how much time each step took and added those up to know how long it took to do the service. We then looked at how much she was charging for this service. We then divided the amount she was charging by the amount of time she was putting into the service. 

Let’s just say the number did not sit well because it did not represent the knowledge and skill that she brought to the table. 

A lot of times we look at the full price of a service and it feels like a big number. 

But we must remember what goes into that service - years of experience, costs of any programs that need to be used, etc. 

In order to stay in business, we have to charge enough to take care of ourselves and any staff we have. 

And yes, this may mean some clients can't afford you but as long as you're not going way overboard (and you feel confident in your price) there are clients that are able to afford you!

If you haven’t done this process for yourself I highly recommend it. I know, numbers are not fun to look at but they are oh so empowering and hard to argue!

And if this feels super overwhelming to you I’m teaching my second Brain Dump with Intention Master Class on this framework on August 22nd! I’ll break down what this brain dump allows you to do, the steps on how, templates to help get you started, and bonus next steps to take once you’re comfortable! Learn more and sign up →

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