Break It Down, See Your Worth!

If you had to tell someone your customer experience journey for just one of your services how many steps do you think it would be?

My most recent coaching client and I covered this in our session this week.

We jumped right into her process and when we a good stopping point (not yet finished) and hit page number 3 she told me she had started to work on this prior to our call and had 20 things written down.

We were on page 3.

How do you have 3 pages you ask?

We included ev.ver.ry.thing. everything that she did. Not just the big steps that she did, but all the things she had to do to get there.

“We have a budget meeting.”

Okay, but you have to call the contractors to confirm pricing first, right? And then you have to put that info into your spreadsheet? And then you have to draft the email to schedule the meeting?

Her one step of their budget meeting (that’s 1 hour of her time) turned into 4 steps that totaled 3 hours.

We often move through our process forgetting about the things that “take a couple of minutes” (most of the time it’s more like 15 -30) and don’t count them in our process.

Why does this matter?

If you don’t know how much time your process actually takes you - you could be undercharging for your product or service.

If you have a team and these tasks aren’t listed out, you may not be giving a consistent customer experience.

Will this make or break you? Probably not right away, but at some point it’s going to catch up to you.

In this instance - it showed her that she was putting in way more work than she was charging for. Like - way more. She was able to see all the things she was doing in this stage of the process…which meant less headache and frustration for them as the project moved forward.

I know, writing out your process, sounds like a really boring and annoying thing to have to do - but I promise it can add so much value.

Bonus? Once we’re fully finished she can insert her process into her project management software to create a consistent experience, more brain space, and some automation to gain back time!

If this resonates with you, I encourage you to ask yourself a couple of questions:

Are any parts of your process that cause friction or seem sticky? (forget to email confirmation, lost a sticky note with the order, etc.) Are you doing any tasks multiple times (writing emails/texts) If you were to hire - what tasks could they take on? Do you know how long your projects/services take to know how much you can take on to hit your income goal?

Asking these questions might show you why writing out your process could be super beneficial!

Click open your google doc and just start going step by step by step like a brand new person is going to have to follow them with no help!

And if you would rather scratch your eyeballs out - let’s chat as we can do a VIP day and make this uber fun and you can guarantee that I’ll pour some self-worth into you 😘

Amanda QuickComment