Don’t Let It Bite You In The Ass!

Your lack of communication of your customer experience that is.

Okay, hear me out, friends! 

if you have a product or a service that has multiple steps and you don't communicate those steps with your customer… your customer is going to set their own expectations of how it works. 

And when this happens, I promise you, those two sets of expectations are probably not going to align.

Please, please take the time to create your customer experience/user experience, whatever you want to call it, and set the expectations ahead of time. 

This way your client is not left in the dark. 

Because I promise you (I can promise you, because it recently happened to me on both sides 🙋🏼‍♀️) it's going to bite you in the ass sooner than later.

And when I talk about creating this experience to set expectations, it doesn't mean it has to be super fancy. 

For the sake of ease and for it to be something you actually do, just open up a Google doc and write out step by step what the experience/process is going to be. 

Then, you can simply email this to your client when they sign up for your service...maybe take a couple of extra minutes and add some personalization to it, but the important thing is that they know what to expect. 

Then, if you want to get a little fancier, you put this into a project management system so you have a consistent customer experience to duplicate over and over again. And thennnn you can create some templated emails, some automations, etc. 

But first, just map out your experience/process so you're setting expectations, you’re both on the same page, and neither you nor your client is frustrated!

And now I’m going to adjust my intake process so I don’t drop the ball on next steps :)

Amanda QuickComment