Creating Business Relationships : On and Off-Line

I challenged myself to expand my reach beyond our community by engaging with a broader audience.

​While I'm fully committed to local networking efforts (participation-wise, not necessarily knowing everyone), bless the world wide web most of us can do business anywhere.

​To help with this goal, I signed up as a member of The Basic Pitch Club. Allison taught a PR class in The Hatchery Community, and I freaking loved how she teaches and how she goes about in helping to actually write and pitch, rather than just extravagant spending on agencies

​About a month ago I went through the homework for writing our media bio, our elevator pitch, and our podcast pitch. Then during one of her hot seat coaching calls I had her review and edit them so I could confidently share them.

​Did I feel like I was in 6th-grade English class? A little! But, I let myself come in with a first draft and let her work her magic so that I would actually put these things out into the world.

​Next, I pitched to be a guest on 2 podcasts. Guess what?! I got accepted to both of them!

​This past Friday night I was interviewed and we talked about one of my favorite topics (no, not braindumps), networking 🎉.

For those who have been following my journey, you know I'm a huge fan of networking as it helped me build my old coworking space. Networking has unlocked doors and introduced me to opportunities that would have been harder to come by otherwise.

​On the podcast, I shared an older blog with all the networking opportunities and 5 tips for networking like a pro!

Do I feel in-person networking is extremely effective? Absolutely. 

Does that mean online networking is less valuable? Not at all.

​I do feel there is something really magical about in-person networking because you're fully connecting with someone.

You're more likely to get a feel of their character and more likely to actually remember them.

But, creating relationships online led me to Allison. I started following her after she was on a podcast, met her at a conference, had her speak in our community, and bam - now I'm in her membership. There are also real conversations that happen on IG and in email.

So, I'm definitely not saying online ones are not magical!

​It's all networking. Don't let the word create the images of formal attire, slicked-back hair, and business card shuffling!

Think of it as creating relationships. Think of it as meeting new friends. Think of it as mingling.

Whatever it is…just do it so you can see the value!

My question to you...have you built some amazing relationships from networking opportunities?

Amanda Quick