Do You Even OOO?

It was the Friday before Christmas and I was prepping to send out my newsletter, and my first thought was, "Oh, I'm excited to read the OOO message people have set up!"

Yeah. I know there are strategic days/times to send these newsletters out, but in this season I'm simply sticking to my "1 email a week" commitment to myself. I can't control too many things right now, but this one!

So, why am I excited about the OOO messages? Because I love it when I get ones that are not the typical "I'll be out until January 2nd." And if that's your style, I'm not throwing shade I'm super proud you set one up!

My friend Erica always has amazing ones. A day off with her kiddo to celebrate his birthday, that she's participating in a conference for something, or that she is working on a big project for a client and won't be in her email.

I love it because it does a couple of things:
- gives a peek into their personality
- sets expectations for the client to know when they'll receive a response
- empowers other business owners to step the F away sometimes

Did that last one surprise you?

In the past, I would worry that if I showed I was taking a break, potential clients would think I wasn't taking on clients or they wouldn't think I took my work seriously (don't you love those inner thoughts our brain tries to throw at us?). That was until one client said, "I'd love to see you working on a house project in the middle of the day because it would help give her permission not to feel like she had to work all.the.time. And that a break in the day is one of the reasons she wanted to start her own business!

Wild huh?

So, I’m just here to encourage you to set up that OOO while you completely step away from work or even step away from front-facing work but tackle some backend work you haven't gotten to!

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and have an amazing and safe New Year!

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