Five Things That Keep Me Consistent

How do you feel about the C-word? 


Today I wanted to share ways that help me stay consistent as a solopreneur who's also a mom, wife, and conscious to not fall back into burnout mode. 

Now, while I do love being consistent there are times when a little voice inside wants to bail out on all things consistent because I feel trapped!

I know being consistent is good for me because I see things getting accomplished in a reasonable time period and I typically don't have a handful of “almost finished” things looming over my head. 

While I’m definitely not perfect and things do slip sometimes these are the top 5 things that do help me feel I can show up consistently in my business and in our family: 

1. Sunday Meal Prep: We're a little high maintenance and 80% of the time eat gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, and crappy sugar-free. we determine what we'll eat for the week, make a list, go to the grocery store after church, and spend a couple of hours in the kitchen. I don't love to cook, so this keeps me out of the kitchen in the evenings except to warm up what we've already made. It helps us eat healthier and spend time doing fun things. 

2. Asana: I put all my tasks in here. From sending out this newsletter to taking out the trash to my brand elements. Having everything assigned to a date keeps me from having to remember what's coming up. 

3. Honeybook: I finally took the plunge of setting this up in 2021 and it's been so helpful! All those emails I  send to instructors, to new members, and to new clients - they're all written out and I just have to adjust a couple of words, and bam! (Because I'm an affiliate I have to share that I do make money off that link. I don't share what I don't truly love and what doesn't benefit you: So, you get 50% off your first year!) 

4. Spreadsheets: while they sound fancy, they're really not. I used to fight them, but now I love them. I'm very visual and so I need to see things all together to really wrap my head around it. So, my social media analytics, my proforma, my social media calendar, and our family finances are all in spreadsheets. Asana tells me to do my social media metrics on the 1st so I pull up the spreadsheet and do my thing!

5. Planning the day, the day before: I look over my tasks and my appointments in my Day Designer planner before the end of the day and make sure I'm prepped for the next day, so I can dive in and not spend the time wondering what I'm supposed to do. I also lay out my workout clothes, clean the kitchen, put out what's needed for my protein shake, layout the yoga mat and weights, and pack Ellie's snack. All of these make me feel more ahead of the day because mornings are not always the smoothest in our house!

What are some things you do consistently to show up as your best self?

**There are links in here that are affiliate links. My promise is to only share about products/services that I fully believe in and utilize!

Amanda Quick