It’s What You Do Over Time

First… awkward picture, but I had to show off my massive guns for this post 🤣

And no, I didn’t switch over to a fitness instructor!


But, as I was doing my workout this morning the coach said it’s what you do over time that gets you to where you are. 

That quote plus the workshop I lead last week where we talked about the financial aspects of their businesses in 2021 and using those to help map out 2022 brought up a simple reminder. 

Often times when we’re running our business we look at the tasks we’re doing right now and think that’s are how we landed our latest client. 

When in reality it’s the consistent daily/mundane tasks that we did one, two, even six months ago and we’re seeing the fruits of that labor. 

So, this is just a reminder to know that those little things you do day in and day out add up to big things. It could be following up with a potential client, reaching out to somebody new, or that Facebook post you were running behind in writing (hey, that’s me right now!). They sometimes seem tedious and seem minute in the moment, but those things added up over days and days and days become much bigger things! 

Just like my huge biceps - they didn’t just grow overnight. It took many 5:30 am workouts to grow those bad boys! I hope you read the sarcasm there :) 

Annnnyway - have you ever had a client contact you and share that they’ve been following along with your content for a good while or chose you because you followed up more than once?

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