Enjoy The Journey While Wanting More

A hard trust…things take time.

A couple of months ago I was completing 75 Hard. It’s a mental toughness type program and let me tell you it was legit. 

One of my outdoor workouts was usually a 45-minute walk. So, I headed out the door knowing I had a list of stuff to do afterward, and started walking super fast. I was thinking ”I need to get this done.”

But, I quickly remembered it’s 45 minutes whether you walk 1 mile or six miles. There’s no rushing it because it’s going to take 45 minutes, so enjoy the time.

This memory came back to me this past weekend as we were taking a family walk down one of our favorite trails to accomplish Sean’s outdoor workout. 

Ellis is 6 and let’s just say we’re going through a phase where there’s a disconnect between what we ask her to do and what she actually does….mmmmkay. 

So, we’re walking and it’s driving me absolutely crazy how slow she’s walking and that we’re wanting to stop every 45 seconds. 

I looked at Sean and asked, “why can I not just enjoy this walk? We don’t have to be anywhere and for some reason, I feel we need to just go.” 

Is it a sense of control (nevvvvver!)? Is it just worrying too much about all the things I’ve put on my list? Am I just PMSing? 

Is it maybe all of those things? Possibly. 

And I catch myself rushing through my days and tasks and not truly enjoying what’s right here and now. I see what I want and I just want to get there.

”...you have to be satisfied with what - is while you’re reaching for more.” - Esther Hicks

Tonight is your reminder to slow down and enjoy the process - is this tough for you or are you good and grounded?

Amanda Quick