WTF Is Small Business Cultivator?

WTF is Small Business Cultivator?

Are you the owner?

What do you all do?  

Why would I need it?

Some of you may already know the answer to these questions so there is no need to read further - unless you just love my writing and wanna hang out for a bit!

Then, some have no clue what it is, why, or how, and you’re confused or this is totally new. 

Remember that place I opened up in 2017, The Hatchery? A coworking space with on-site childcare? That place. 

As we grew I started to step into a business coaching role. Sharing advice, helping with strategy, and helping them find clarity. 

I could get these clients to a certain spot but then needed to hand them off because I know the limits of my expertise.

As members joined there was a handful who were experts in those needed areas we needed. 

Branding. Social media strategy. Websites. Setting up project management tools. Bookkeeping.

It became super easy to refer them because I had built relationships with them and hired them to help within my business. 

Stick with me because this is where it gets good!

I saw a random show on Facebook/YouTube where a team went into businesses, pulled them apart, and then put it back together with a stronger foundation and strategy to move forward. 

I legit cried at the end of every episode because I saw the too-stressed-out owner's relief and a renewed love for their business. 

And because I was that too-stressed-out business owner! 

Could you imagine - a full team that comes in and guides you through some tough shit? Not the typical here’s the plan and then leave you to do it in all the extra time you don’t have…

It then dawned on me that between myself and the experts in our space - we could do this.

Fast forward a year of me being scared to ask these experts if they’d be interested...I finally presented this opportunity to them and they all said yes (insert a super excited, yet terrified Amanda)!

Fast forward another year of us working through our own brand, our own messaging, our own website, our own systems, our own social media, and our own financial things and we launched! 

We launched with a 60-plus-question assessment that the business owner fills out so that we are able to understand the business, its goals, and what is needed. 

With that, we go in and share our feedback, our thoughts, and action items that we see could be helpful for them. That’s all presented in a 30+ page document followed by a 1:1 coaching session with yours truly :) 

Then (and this is where the magic happens) we have our full 120-day program to implement allllll of the thoughts and action items. Some done for you and some done with you.

We’ve perfected a process that builds onto each other…you start with content (but sometimes finances cause ya have to make money), then branding, then systems, then website, then social, then finances.

All the while you get me walking right by you. As your coach, as the project manager, as your wingman, as the team lead, and as your connector. 

This allows the business owner to continue to work within their business and not have to manage 7 different people. Again, you have to make money!

Once the 120 days have passed you’re walking away with a firm foundation that you can confidently launch out into the world! 

And some cool friends who are basically your hype team 🎉

Who’s it for?

We’ve found it’s best for two types of people: 

  • You haven’t launched your business but have clarity about what you want to do and how you want to do it. You may not know how to do the other aspects or you simply don’t want to


  • You’re already in business but need to step into your next level. Your business doesn’t match who you’ve evolved into, you’ve purchased a business and it needs a refresh, or you’re selling your business and want to show its full worth.

Sooooo that’s it! That’s what it is! 

If you’d like to learn more or share with someone you think would benefit from our services here’s the link and you can book a call with me to chat more!

Amanda Quick