Let's Calm Down On The Perfection, Shall We?

Ellie: “I’m a really bad drawer.” 

Me: “Ummm, would you say that to your friend?”

Ellie: “Well, no.”

Me: “Then why would you say that to yourself? Go ahead and  apologize to yourself”

Ellie: grumbling…”sorry”

She then went on to explain that her friends at school are waaaaaay better drawers than she is. 

Me: “How often do you work on drawing?” 

Ellie: “For a little bit at school.”

Me: “You know your dad is good a drawing, I bet he’d love it if you asked him to help you practice.” 

She didn’t exactly give an answer but did proceed to talk again about her friends being waaaaay better drawers than she is. 

Me: “How were your cartwheels when you first started doing them?”

Ellie: “Oh, terrible!”

Me: “How are they now?”

Ellie: “Really good.”

Me: “How often do you work on your cartwheels?”

Ellie: “I probably do like 40 a day!”

Which by the number of times I’ve almost gotten kicked in the chin - that’s very true!

Me: “So, you practiced over and over and over again?”

Ellie: (now annoyed with me) “yesssss”

Me: “Okay, so we know it takes practice to get better. And remember that it might take longer to learn how to draw than it does for other people. So, if you want to get better ask for some help and then practice to improve.”

Ellie: probably rolled her eyes or something a 6 ½-year-old does when their mom is laying down a good, solid, life lesson!

I’m not writing this because I’m an all-star mom (far from it). I’m sharing this because I 110% do this. I know I’m super hard on myself - I expect the best the first time I try, I tend to struggle to ask for help because “they might be too busy”, and blah blah blah. 

And I’m calling myself out because I want you to also call yourself out when this happens and apologize to yourself... 

We as business owners, as parents, as adults need to chill the F out. 

Here’s the thing…

  • It’s not going to be perfect the first time we try...it’s probably going to suck a lot. 

  • There are a freaking ton of people out there willing to help...and they’ll save you a lot of time and money

  • Nobody is expecting you to do it all in the first place...ohhhh I said it (as a reminder to myself!) 

As Taylor Swift sings, “you need to calm down”

So, let’s all calm down a bit and stop expecting perfection and just start with practicing what we need to learn/do or hire the dang thing out!

With so much love ❤️,


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