Take The Dang Nap!

As a business owner, have you ever been so tired your brain is just not clicking? 

But, because you’re a business owner you’re never supposed to pause what you’re doing to go rest because “you just need to get it finished”? 

This was me a couple of months ago. 

I had a morning full of calls and emails and then my lunch break. I was talking to a business friend during lunch and stated that my brain and body were done and that a nap sounded so nice.

“Do it.” she said.

“Nah, I have plenty to do.”

Well, I finished my lunch and took Nugget on a quick walk around the block and as I walked through the house I walked right past my office and straight to my room. I flopped myself on the bed, set a 30-minute timer, and pretty fell asleep in about 5 seconds.

It wasn’t nighttime. 

It was the end of my workday. 

But it was sooo needed and I didn’t feel a bit guilty about it.

I mean isn’t that what a perk of owning your own business is? Tapping a pause when you need it? To set your schedule that works for you…as much as possible of course.

But, what tends to happen is we start to put a lot on our plate and we start to feel like everything needs to be completed right.this.second. We set our expectations so high that they become unattainable. 

We go go go and go and we realize we can’t keep up. 

Coming from somebody who has successfully done this - I can tell you to go take the damn nap. 

Nothing will burn down if you pause for a hot second.

So, friend, if you need permission to go take a nap…here it is!

Amanda QuickComment